Template code Chunk output
{!-- Custom Template Providers (new in Chunk 2.2).
  -- Check the NetTemplates.java source for a reference implementation
  -- of a custom template provider that loads its templates
  -- from a webserver.  Templates are cached for performance.
  -- A real-world implementation might add automatic cache expiration,
  -- or might preload several templates at once from a zip.
  -- A new custom template provider just needs to implement
  -- the com.x5.template.ContentSource interface.
  -- String baseURL = "http://example.com/templates/"
  -- Theme theme = new Theme( new NetTemplates(baseURL) );
  -- Chunk c = theme.makeChunk("hello#net");
  -- html = c.toString();
  <title>It came from the Net!</title>
   It came from the {$what_kind:fabulous} Net!

    <a href="https://code.google.com/p/chunk-templates/source/browse/trunk/src/com/x5/template/providers/NetTemplates.java">
    <a href="https://code.google.com/p/chunk-templates/source/browse/trunk/src/com/x5/template/providers/TemplateProvider.java">

import com.x5.template.Chunk;
import com.x5.template.Theme;
import com.x5.template.providers.NetTemplates;


String baseURL = "http://example.com/templates/"
Theme theme = new Theme( new NetTemplates(baseURL) );

// Fetch the { #net } ... { # } subtemplate/snippet
// from http://example.com/templates/hello.chtml
Chunk c = theme.makeChunk("hello#net");
c.set("what_kind", "glorious");

html = c.toString();
  <title>It came from the Net!</title>
   It came from the glorious Net!

    <a href="https://code.google.com/p/chunk-templates/source/browse/trunk/src/com/x5/template/providers/NetTemplates.java">
    <a href="https://code.google.com/p/chunk-templates/source/browse/trunk/src/com/x5/template/providers/TemplateProvider.java">


It came from the Net!
It came from the glorious Net!