Template code Chunk output
{!-- Available filters include perl-style regex (regular expressions).
  -- Let the obfuscation begin!
  -- The standard caveats apply, regex is powerful but it is often very
  -- difficult for your fellow humans (and even for yourself ten minutes
  -- on) to read your regex code.
  -- Alternate section markers are not supported.  You must use the
  -- standard s/find/replace/[flags] syntax and not exotic variations
  -- like s{find}{replace}[flags] or s|find|replace|[flags] or
  -- s:find:replace:[flags] etc. etc.
Please welcome {% $names|s/(J)(im and )(D)(ella)/$3$2$1$4/ %}.
Theme theme = new Theme("examples");

// Fetch template from this file: themes/examples/regex.chtml
// Inside that file there is a template "snippet" named #example_1
Chunk html = theme.makeChunk("regex#example_1");

html.set("names", "Jim and Della");

html.render( out );
Please welcome Dim and Jella.

Please welcome Dim and Jella.
Template code Chunk output
  -- Curly braces and pipes are safe to use *inside* your regex and
  -- carry the standard regex meanings.
  -- For example, this is valid:
  --  {% $tag|s/don't lo{1,2}se your (socks|shoes)/don't lose your $1/ %}
  -- and the template engine won't mistake the first close-brace for
  -- the end of the tag, nor will it mistake the socks|shoes pipe as
  -- the start of a new filter.
{% $sentence_a|s/don't lo{1,2}se your (socks|shoes)/don't lose your $1/ %}

{% $sentence_b|s/don't lo{1,2}se your (socks|shoes)/don't lose your $1/ %}
Theme theme = new Theme("examples");

// Fetch template from this file: themes/examples/regex.chtml
// Inside that file there is a template "snippet" named #example_2
Chunk html = theme.makeChunk("regex#example_2");

html.set("sentence_a", "Mama always told me, don't loose your socks in the river.");
html.set("sentence_b", "Papa always told me, don't lose your shoes in the mulcher.");

html.render( out );
Mama always told me, don't lose your socks in the river.

Papa always told me, don't lose your shoes in the mulcher.

Mama always told me, don't lose your socks in the river.

Papa always told me, don't lose your shoes in the mulcher.