Template code Chunk output
{!-- The htmlescape and escapequotes filters, plus defang
  -- and some suggestions on where to use them.
  -- Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks can be avoided
  -- with careful use of escape-filters.  By hardening
  -- your templates against abuse, your java code is
  -- relieved of this burden.
<h2>The WRONG way:</h2>

   value="{$name_a}" />

var x = '{$name_b}';
var y = '{$name_c}';

 I trust this {$output}


<h2>The RIGHT way:</h2>

   value="{$name_a|htmlescape}" />

var x = '{$name_b|escapequotes}';
var y = '{$name_c|escapequotes}';

 I don't trust this {$output|defang}
Theme theme = new Theme("examples");

// Fetch template from this file: themes/examples/escapes.chtml
// Inside that file there is a template "snippet" named #example_1
Chunk html = theme.makeChunk("escapes#example_1");

// let's try to sneak some malicious values into the template
html.set("name_a","Eddy \"Crazy Eddy\" Robslovsky");
html.set("name_b","Mad \"Meanie\" McEvil'+doMeanThing()+'");
html.set("name_c","Backslash-\\B\\o\\b \"Confused\" O'Malley");


html.render( out );
<h2>The WRONG way:</h2>

   value="Eddy "Crazy Eddy" Robslovsky" />

var x = 'Mad "Meanie" McEvil'+doMeanThing()+'';
var y = 'Backslash-\B\o\b "Confused" O'Malley';

 I trust this <script>attack()</script>


<h2>The RIGHT way:</h2>

   value="Eddy &quot;Crazy Eddy&quot; Robslovsky" />

var x = 'Mad \"Meanie\" McEvil\'+doMeanThing()+\'';
var y = 'Backslash-\\B\\o\\b \"Confused\" O\'Malley';

 I don't trust this scriptattack()/script

The WRONG way:

I trust this

The RIGHT way:

I don't trust this scriptattack()/script
Template code Chunk output
{!-- urlencode, urldecode.  TODO: improve this example... --}
<a href="http://www.example.com/cgi-bin/record_action?url={$url|urlencode}">Click here</a>

<p>The query string was: {$query_string|urldecode}.
Theme theme = new Theme("examples");

// Fetch template from this file: themes/examples/escapes.chtml
// Inside that file there is a template "snippet" named #example_2
Chunk html = theme.makeChunk("escapes#example_2");


html.render( out );
<a href="http://www.example.com/cgi-bin/record_action?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.x5software.com%2Fchunk%2Fwiki%2F">Click here</a>

<p>The query string was: x=y&z=w&god_particle=higgs boson.

Click here

The query string was: x=y&z=w&god_particle=higgs boson.