Eclipse Template Editor plugin

From Chunk Java Template Engine

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Installing the plugin

  1. From the Eclipse "Help" menu, select "Install New Software..."
  2. Enter the URL (either in "Work with" or by adding a repository).
  3. Check the box next to the "Chunk Templates" category and click "Next."
  4. Agree to the license terms, and click "OK" if you see a warning about the plugin not being signed.
  5. Finish and restart Eclipse.
  6. In Eclipse Preferences, find settings panel for File Associations. Should be in
    • General -> Editors -> File Associations
  7. Click the Add... button and add *.chtml
    • Select *.chtml and click the other "Add..." button down by the "Associated Editors" list below.
    • From the list of "Internal Editors" (make sure "External Programs" is not checked), scroll down and select
      • "HTML Chunk Template Editor"
  8. Repeat step 5 for *.cxml (and whatever other extensions you wish to use for your templates).
  9. (Optional) Add "Chunk Template Editor" to the list of available editors for *.html files. Personally I make it the default but of course this is up to you.

Hooray! Syntax highlighting! Outline view!

Bonus: Snippet Hyperlinks

Template references are hyperlinked! Cmd-click any template reference to jump to that snippet's definition.

And from within your java code, right-click a template name anywhere in your code and select "Open Snippet" to jump to the definition. Known bug: if your project contains multiple templates with the same name it will just jump to the first filename match.


The Chunk template engine, as of 1.5, assumes that your templates use charset UTF-8. If you use any accented or unusual characters in your templates or in your locale csv files, I strongly recommend to Eclipse users that you set your workspace default charset to UTF-8.

Eclipse -> Preferences -> General -> Workspace -> Text file encoding -> UTF-8